Life Canada
Dying HealedThe Program
Make Time for Life™ is LifeCanada’s national campaign intended to bring attention to their orientation program for volunteering in pastoral care: The Dying Healed Program™.
Dying Healed is a concept that explains how a person can pass from this life healed–not physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It is not possible to heal all the pains that accompany disease and terminal illness, but we can help those suffering to experience healing of a deeper kind.
The purpose of the Dying Healed program is to give volunteers confidence that their presence at the bedside of a lonely or dying person is an invaluable service.
This program is intended to be a preparatory training for those who would like to spend time with the elderly, ill, disabled, and dying–those most vulnerable to the negative influences of Canada’s new euthanasia and assisted suicide legislation.
There are two ways in which you or your organization can become involved with the Dying Healed Program:
1. Attend a Dying Healed Workshop to become a volunteer.
Dying Healed Training Workshops are currently being held across Canada. To register for a workshop in your region, click HERE.
- The Dying Healed™ teaching concepts cover important issues about human suffering, human dignity, and the power of human presence as well as other end-of-life issues.
- The workshops include important pastoral and practical aspects of what to say, how to listen, and how to be with people who suffer illness, disability, and loneliness.
- Participants will be able to identify the various types of volunteer roles that are best suited for them.
- Participants of the Dying Healed™ program will be exposed to the kinds of care available in their region, and the institutions that provide this care. Volunteers can then choose the manner and/or institution where they would like to spend their time, and will have insight in how to approach the institution, and what to expect.
Volunteers who have completed the program can then do the following:
- Choose an institution through which to visit those in need. These volunteers will have to participate in their chosen institution’s specific screening and training program.
- Visit the elderly, disabled, ill, lonely, or dying person through the institutional setting or through a parish-based or home-based visitation program.
The Program is a preliminary orientation program. It does NOT:
- Give volunteers a professional credential.
- Replace the volunteer training provided by local health care institutions.
- Give all the requisite skills necessary to be an effective volunteer.
- Train volunteers to act as advocates for vulnerable persons.
- Take the place of medical personnel, family, and others in caring for persons in need.
2. Use the Dying Healed Program to start or manage your organization’s visitation program.
Churches and other organizations can purchase the Dying Healed™ program materials and start a Dying Healed™ training program in their community.
- LifeCanada will provide the support to help individuals become trainers so that the parish or organization can hold their own Dying Healed™ program.
- The Dying Healed™ program is ideal for churches or pro-life organizations to develop a spirit of volunteerism within their community.
- Any church or group across Canada can use this training model.
Program materials include:
1 training manual with learning objectives
20 workbooks for volunteers
1 power point training presentation
Make Time for Life marketing materials:
Follow-up forms template
On-line support from LifeCanada