Kelowna Right to Life Society

Who We Are:
What We Do:
We have stood for the most defenceless of all human beings, the unborn child, in several ways. First, we have maintained a peaceful vigil in front of Kelowna General Hospital every Tuesday since the opening of the current ‘clinic’ in 2000. Second, we have conducted dozens of advertising campaigns over the years, including highway billboards, newspaper, radio, social media, and television ad campaigns–all proclaiming the dignity and value of human life from conception to natural death. Finally, Kelowna Right to Life Society has organized and participated in countless public demonstrations from the periodic displaying of graphic images on public roads to the annual Life Chain every October.
Blog Posts

50 Years Later – A survey on abortion in Canada
Press Release: NEW National Poll on Abortion After 50 Years, Canadians Remain Unconvinced on Unrestricted Abortion Fifty years ago this month, the federal government legalized abortion in Canada, a controversial decision in 1969. Currently there are no legal...

The creeping evil of euthanasia
According to a recent CBC article, over 3,700 Canadians have died by “MAiD”, or “Medical Aid in Dying” (a palatable euphemism for euthanasia) since the Federal Government legalized assisted suicide in June of 2017. Over 1,500 of those deaths occurred in just the last...

Brute Censorship on College Campus
Each semester, members of the Kelowna Right to Life Society bravely expose the reality of abortion on the campuses of UBCO and Okanagan College. The images we show are difficult to look at for some, but we believe keeping abortion hidden from view only perpetuates the...

How does Kelowna feel about abortion?
New poll shows discomfort with abortion status quo among Kelowna residents. May, 2020; The Kelowna Right to Life Society has released the results of an internally-conducted poll taken in February and March of this year. A total of 102 Central Okanagan residents were...

The Power of Language
There weren’t many things on which I agreed with U.S. President Barack Obama, but his statement that “words matter” in a 2008 plagiarized speech is one. Language is a powerful tool for shaping public opinion, and abortion advocates have done a far better job over the...
There are no upcoming events at this time.
Thank you for considering a donation to the life-saving work of Kelowna Right to Life Society.
Your gift will help give hope to families facing life issues, and will help us continue to fight for the most vulnerable members of our society. Kelowna Right to Life Society is not a registered charity, and cannot issue charitable receipts. Please contact us to find out more about our status or your giving options.
If you would like to donate via a cheque, please mail your donation to:
3089-3151 Lakeshore Road
Kelowna, BC
V1W 3S9
Staff: Marlon Bartram: Executive Director
Julie Wambeke: General Manager
Address: Kelowna Right to Life Society, 3089-3151 Lakeshore Road, Kelowna, BC V1W 3S9
Contact Info:, hours of operation are 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Monday – Friday