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Pro-Life Ads now Airing

Pro-Life Ads now Airing

The Kelowna Right to Life Society has teamed up with the Vernon and Area Pro-Life Society to organize a six month television ad campaign on Global TV. Currently, the ads are running twice per day on average, with one focusing on the value of human life in the womb and...

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Our Pro-Life Students Need Our Help

Our Pro-Life Students Need Our Help

Have you ever been threatened with losing your job because of your pro-life stance? Probably most of us haven’t been faced with this challenge, but it is something that happens on a regular basis to pro-life students on our University campuses in Canada. These...

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Petri Dish vs Child

Petri Dish vs Child

Lately, I've been confronted with a conundrum abortion advocates seem to think really puts us in our place. They think this rhetorical question puts an end once and for all to the pro-life claim that the pre-born are equal in value to born children. Too bad so sad,...

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Canada’s Pro-Life History

Canada’s Pro-Life History

Canada is 150 years old this year. It was on July 1st, 1867 that the first British North America Act was signed creating the Dominion of Canada (it wasn’t until 1982 that Canada became entirely independent from Britain, but Canada’s actual “birthday” is a whole other...

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